What is true ELITE art?
It is very limited group of people who understand what art is and have made it part of their life. They surround themselves with it; they can afford it and appreciate it. Art educates our soul. Only very important people of the Elite can order to capture themselves in an art form!
The most lasting art pieces that came to us through the ages are made of bronze! No canvas can survive that long. I give Filipino High society now this unique chance to have their image captured in bronze! It is a great experience, which, not long ago, was reserved to royalty only! Now, I can make it happen to all of my friends and their friends alike.
Can you imagine the features of your face taking shape from melting bronze of 1100°C? What an amazing and the powerful energy moment! Your bronze portraits will last for centuries and centuries to come, preserving your eternal beauty and portrait! Your grandchildren will keep your bronze image as a family relic, telling the legends about you...!
Below are bronze portraits already made for my friends and myself. I own five (5) bronze portraits and one (1) marble portrait of myself and have also participated in the inauguration of over thirty (30) other bronze monuments worldwide, including five located in the Philippines.
The most lasting art pieces that came to us through the ages are made of bronze! No canvas can survive that long. I give Filipino High society now this unique chance to have their image captured in bronze! It is a great experience, which, not long ago, was reserved to royalty only! Now, I can make it happen to all of my friends and their friends alike.
Can you imagine the features of your face taking shape from melting bronze of 1100°C? What an amazing and the powerful energy moment! Your bronze portraits will last for centuries and centuries to come, preserving your eternal beauty and portrait! Your grandchildren will keep your bronze image as a family relic, telling the legends about you...!
Below are bronze portraits already made for my friends and myself. I own five (5) bronze portraits and one (1) marble portrait of myself and have also participated in the inauguration of over thirty (30) other bronze monuments worldwide, including five located in the Philippines.

The First Russian Ball Award


Natalya portrait one

Natalya portrait two

Natalya portrait three

Andre & Natalya


Abdurachmanov portrait

Sitting Girl

Girl with ball

Girl with apple

Girl & Fish


Two Girls